In the bow of the ship is the owner’s cabin with sleeping quarters for two, a toilet and a shower. The command bridge is open and has good visibility. Next to the main salon is a guest toilet and the ship’s well-equipped kitchen. From there, e.g. fridge, freezer, cold counter, hot plate, microwave oven, normal oven, large coffee maker and dishwasher. The kitchen works best in the so-called as a delivery kitchen, but food preparation on site is also possible.
The main salon has seats at tables for 30 people, on the sun deck above the main salon
there are seats for 25 on the deck, 10 on the aft deck and you can stay on the bow deck as well. The bridge can accommodate 10 people (5 seats).
Other technology:
Cold/hot pressurized water, separate household water and utility water tanks, electricity 12V and 230V. The ship’s auxiliary engine produces 12 kW of consistent quality sine wave electricity safely even for sensitive computers and phones. Central heating. 2 water toilets. Central radio, through which you can announce, give speeches and play music from different sources.